Anyway, something must have got across to him somehow because he said "it seems more like your personality". Then waffled on about psychological interventions being more appropriate (than psychiatric? I don't know) and discussing me at the next CMHT panel with the view of putting me forward to CBT and other therapies. I couldn't be bothered this time to explain I don't like CBT, it's too straightforward, too damn obvious! No-one ever listens when I say that, just nod and smile patronisingly.

He also said it's probably something from my childhood leading me to think and feel the way I do; which I accept, but it scares me. It worries me that there might be this awful dark secret in my happy childhood that I can't recall.....if it's hidden, I like it that way. I'm so sure everything was okay, it frightens me to think that something might not be. But i'll stay positive, not everyone with personality disorders or mental health issues has a dark past. I hope I'm one, as I don't know how I'd cope discovering something awful.