Monday, 18 January 2010

Damn NHS

Called the CMHT earlier to find out when my next appointment's been 6 weeks since my last one and I'd not received a letter yet.
The receptionist had to call me back and kindly told me that my next appointment would be in APRIL. She couldn't tell me why....when I asked why it was such a long time she suggested it was because they were pretty fully booked. Whilst I appreciate that might be the case I know there will be patients they see on a more frequent basis than that, especially early on in assessment days.
Anyhow, I burst into tears after the call. Why don't they care about me? Why don't they want to help me? Why can't they see I'm sick? It all seems to bloody unfair and it's put me in such  miserable place.

I've made an appointment to see my GP this week about a physical complaint....I'm hoping to get referred to a knee/joint specialist. I bet that'll be easier than getting the CMHT referral! I shall also ask him to put some pressure on them to see me sooner. Might help. Doubt it.


  1. That is shit. Who are you waiting for an appointment with? Is it a CPN or something like that, or a psych? If it is a psych it is fairly understandable - they tend to see people every 6 months or so, but if it is a CPN or social worker or something then you certainly shouldn't have to wait that long. x

  2. It's the I do appreciate it's not a frequent thing, but at the moment I don't have a CPN or any other sort of support so it feels a bit like I'm being ignored and left without support I feel like I need!
