Monday, 11 January 2010

Bad things / Good things

Generally, the things I do (or used to do in the past) to make myself feel better end up making me feel worse. Then because I feel bad, I try another thing to make me feel better & I end up feeling worse. It's a self-perpetuating cycle. It also RUINS activities I would otherwise love to do.

Some examples of these things include:
  • Eating
  • Spending + Shopping
  • Casual sex
  • Taking drugs
Hmm. I had a whole long list in my head early and now I've forgotten. My memory really is shot to pieces.

All of those I have over-indulged in. I get that knot of excitement in my stomach & a feeling which I let myself think is happiness (I'm sure it's probably not). I tell myself these things are good, they will lift my spirits, keep me focused on the good feelings and steer my mind away from the awful things inside me. I end up feeling dead inside afterwards.

Food. I now struggle to eat a proper meal. Years of bulimia, once my beloved friend, have twisted my brain signals and now what I think is "full" is in fact over-stuffed and greedy. I'm fat because of it and I hate food. At least, I want to hate food. Weight Watchers, as depressing as it is, does help. I've lost a stone over the last few months. Slow progress, but it took my years to get this fat (with help from faddy diets and possibly-illegal weight loss drugs) so if it takes me years to get thin I will be happy in the end.

Spending and Shopping. How I love it. So much. Even a simple trip around a supermarket to get the weekly groceries puts me in this wonderful, serene trance. I could wander around for hours, muttering to myself, day-dreaming, picking up items and inspecting the labels. It probably ties in with the eating habit, in my Mia days I used to spend ages day-dreaming at work about what I would buy on the way home to binge on. But I can be almost as bad clothes shopping (but only on days when I can stand to look at my reflection. And when I get a hobby, I will stop at NOTHING to get the best gear, the most variety and I spend hours researching potential "big investments". It's cost me more in credit card interest than I care to think about.

The casual sex? That's still a part of my life I can barely think about, let alone discuss & I'm glad it's in my past. I can't understand how casual sex made me feel better, but an intimate relationship with my parter scares the crap out of me. I guess that's the difference....intimacy. But generally the sex within any of my long-term relationships dwindles and I seek that false satisfaction elsewhere. I don't think about how I treated my ex-boyfriend as the end result for myself would not be good. Thankfully I love The Boy and am in a better place now to deal with a committed relationship.

And drugs? I used to love those precious hours (or minutes) when I could be free of all the issues that fuck-up my daily existence. It didn't happen often, I didn't have much access to illicit things nor the money (although this probably wouldn't have mattered after a point), but when it did I felt free & alive. Some of my best memories come from nights I spent high. Some of the worst come from the fog of days/weeks smoking weed. That truly is the devils work for anyone depressed with no motivation; it stops my brain connecting with the painful emotions but it digs me deeper into the hole. It's a love/hate relationship.

Anyway, the point is made. Instant gratification is usually bad. It also takes the fun out of activities that would otherwise to a normal person be quite enjoyable, making recovery that little bit more difficult. It's probably a good thing that I can't recall the other good/bad things I was thinking of earlier as I'd never stop typing......And I've just done that thing I do every night...promise myself an early bed-time after a quick check of messages, only to find I've lost another hour glued to the keyboard. Damn damn damn. The bags under my eyes need some rest! If anyone has some tips for shrinking those dark circles, I'd be very appreciative!


  1. I've had grey circles round my eyes since primary school. Actually think it might be some sort of deficiency *googles*


    Could be anaemia which is possible given the ED. I'm vegetarian and relapse with anorexia fairly frequently so this wouldn't surprise me if it was my reason.

    Apparently dehydration can also cause dark circles. As well as the obvious tiredness. Can be because of excess salt too. Dr Emma here lol sorry.

    Umm, drink more water? sleep more? reduce your salt intake? teabags or cucumbers over your eyes for a bit?

    Blah blah blah Emma. Apologies.

    Oh and try Weight watchers pudding-y things. I heart them.

    Take care x

  2. Not replied here before (have I? I sometimes lose track) but I second the WW desserts - they are gorgeous! Have you ever been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder? I don't know much about you, but certainly the things you are mentioning in this post form part of the diagnostic criteria, plus your feelings of emptiness and depression etc. I know it is a weird diagnosis, but from the little I know about you from reading your blog it sounds like a possibility. Now you have replies from Dr Emma and Dr Bippidee - aren't you lucky!

  3. Thanks Emma! I have a funny blood disorder which gives me anaemia and I know I don't drink enough water, tut tut! I think sleep is probably key too and I think I might try the teabags on eyes, if only to scare The Boy when he comes home :)

    Bippidee - hello! I'd not come across your blog so I'm really glad you've commented! I haven't been diagnosed with anything, but I've suspected BDP for just over a year now, or at least strong traits. Just need now for someone in the NHS to figure it out.

    I'm in love with WW chocolate deserts, they're like melted chocolate in a pot! I've not tried many others though, as if they're in the house & I start feeling bad I will eat the lot. Meah.

  4. Yeah, the NHS seem to take a lot longer to figure out diagnoses than the patients (assuming the patient is an uber geek and reads everything about MH they can get their hands on anyway!). I suppose we live with it, so we really know all of our symptoms, whereas they only know the ones we tell them, and even if we think we have told them everything, we probably haven't. For example I started talking with my therapist yesterday about my complete inability to take care of myself, get out of bed, shower, get food etc etc, and realised I have probably never actually told anyone how much I self neglect before really, I just kind of assume they know.

    The Double Chocolate Brownie ones are definitely the best, but the Banoffee ones are good too. I tend to get them out the freezer and want to eat them straight away though, and I find they are best after about an hour out, but I rarely last that long!

  5. Haha sorry but continuing the WW dessert conversations... I don't let them defrost and eat them straight out of the freezer. They're meant to be mousse or something but if you eat them straight away it's like icecream. We should start a club.

  6. I've never seen frozen deserts, will definitely try and find those! Chocolate mousse is one of my favourites. Although my tiny freezer space it packed full of 0pt soups and the like....I batch cook for those times when cooking is not an option!

    Mmmmm, I have a mousse craving now.

  7. Its a nice post.keep writing.
